What a wonderful natural environment God gifted us with to be it's inhabitates. We are surrounded by beautiful beaches that are our source of water when we are thirsty and they reflect up to the most high which we call the sky. Our everyday life-style contributes negative to the environment, we kill the lungs of the world which are trees by deforestations. Trees sink in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen that we need for survival. Every single day we burn all type of fuel, we pollute in all kinds of way we start from land,atmosphere to our beautiful aquatic life. Today is the day we make cahange, it is a day you as an individual start to leave agreen life. Together we can save the world.
This is a vehicle that takes you through the journey of life it shows you the trills and tribulations we face in this planet. Since no doctor or scientist has prescribed a specific medication to heal the soul, this is medicine to heal your soul. It's a sharp spear to hit your body issues, personality problems,gives tips to build a stable relationship and gives hope to those who think life is unfair # UNLOCK THE MISTERY,UNLOCK THE WONDERLAND#

Sunday, 9 November 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
The media has created a perception to the society's brain that being slim is beautiful and they don't really appreaciate people who are thick boned. Every time you flip on a magazine,watch TV or listen to radio they always advertise new products designed to elliminate the fat, what is this doing to our sistera out there that are thick boned?..this breaks their inner person and they don't feel appreciated and accepted. Let us not judge a person about their body mass rather lets observe their inner beauty. According to me body mass does'nt determine a women's beauty or worth but their worth is determined by their personality and how they present themselves. I define beauty in three words 1.Self respect, 2.Confidence and 3rdly Accepting who you are. The word FAT in Wonderland does'nt exist we only operate with PHAT MADAMMES P-Pretty,H-hot,A-and T-tough women. Slim is not only beautiful PHAT madammes are also beautiful
Monday, 15 September 2014
Everyday when I look around I see Africans who are not proud of who they are. They have this perception mainly from the media of the true definition of character and personal image. The beauty magazines we read don't do any better to our emotions they just pull our personal self esteem down. They tell us what is beauty then we start loosing our originality and star following the trends. Nowadays a black women cant go outside the house without putting paint on her skin...Have you ever thought of the damage that paint has on our natural skin? Back in the days an African women was acknowledged for her big body but now the media tells us is it is obesity and they need to loose weight who said being slim is sexy? have you ever thought of the trauma they go through to maintain that body, they have to eat certain food and live acertain lifestyles. On the other hand our African men have adopted the American way they think swearing is language everytime they speak they have the s* word is that how an African men was raised like? Let us stop adapting the Western culture and be Africans.
See not the small trials and challenges of each hour of the day. See the one purpose in plan to which all are leading to.If when climbing a mountain you keep your focus on each stone that you stepping to and you keep your focus on the toughness of the climbing the hill that makes it difficult for you to reach the pick of the mountain. Thinking about the pain, weathers and steepness of the hill then it becomes difficult to step on to as you ascend, if you see only that then your climbing will be profitless.But if you think of each step as leading to the summit of achievement,from which glory and beauty will be brought out before you,then u won't have any dffculities on your uphill climbing. This is how life is when you busy with reaching your dreams and goals JUST ignore the pain and focus on the pick of the mountain and what you want to reach.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
This is the second semester of the year when I look around in the classroom things are different we no longer in that same number as the year started. The road is getting too steep now is survival of the fittest time, the weak ones are elliminated in the game and the strong survive. If you thinking of giving up look back of how far you have come from to only give up now. Yes I believe in you because you the best. Defeat all the obstacles with a spear of passion. When you have this passion it will make you wake up in un-pleasent climate conditions, make you work over hours but later on all this struggle ends then you live like a Queen or king.
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Friday, 15 August 2014
The best and most beautiful things in this planet can't be seen with the canal eyes or even touched with our physical hands
but they must be felt with the heart. She is beautiful, inteligent,climbing her ladder to her success and doesn't need a man to make her happy. She defines herself as Miss Independent the is nothing beautiful in a women than her manners and brains. Be that being who don't want to be told how amazing you are but you know it for fact.
We have been looking around over and over again trying to find something or someone to blame for why we scared but the answer is just simple stop that wild goose chase because is not going to take you anywhere...don't even try to find a compass or navigator to make your search. Take this little short way to get to your answer . Take your mirror and look at that reflection...Now what do you see? that picture you see that's your fear....you AFRAID OF YOURSELF. Everytime you take a descicion you worry about what people will say, you even afraid to show your true being because you afraid of the world's perception towards you. Yes you are you because you're Unique.The is no one who is more beutiful than you or handsome than you. Stop being afraid of yourself but rather start EMBRACING who you are.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
The Mother city and its wonders
This city is full of a lot of amazing adventures, everyday you have something to observe and spend your time in. At first it was difficult for me to adjust to this new habitat but everyday things became better for me and I started loving this place everything is all fresh and wonderful. No more pollution and a lot of green areas.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Nobody is perfect we all make mistakes. But do we really have to call it a mistake if it's repeated more than ones?... thats not what I think maybe if he did it ones then he was going to get a second chance but now is a routine. Before giving a person a second chance just review on the last situation you went through, the sleepless night you spent torsing and turning trying to figure out his reasons he did it and the pain you went through. My opinion is he doesn't deserve a second chance just move on to greener pastures.
life is defined by the ups and downs we face. Sometimes we not strond enough to face certain challenges...Yes it is Ok to not know what we do, we all humans after all. You know when you have reached a certain stage where you think you have everything under control then later on you realise that you just puzzled up in the wonderland. In times like this you just need to rest and clear up your mind a bit and before you know it you will know what to do because God will give you a solution.
Monday, 9 June 2014
The first time I came into studying Public Relations I thought the course was simple and didn't make sense. Everyday when I spoke with my friends from other fields of study was even ashamed to tell them that I did posters in university but this was just an initial stage then I started making a wish that I want something deep and intense something to challenge my brains but today that I got it I wish I can turn back the time and wish for something different. This has taught me to not underestimate anything and I should think twice before making a wish.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Many people become shocked when the going gets tough they even come to a conclusion of wanting to let go. In this road there are many obstacl;es that need people with back bones to can be able to keep up the race and get going. Even our fore fathers knew that it was not easy but they kept up the fight shame on you if you want to give up the easy when you think of letting go look back and see how far you have come even Zahara said it "Life is tough it requires the strong"
It is not always easy to face challenges in life, sometimes we might think that we in the right track only to find out the outcomes are not what we expected it is ok to sometimes be un-successful in your goal this doesn't mean you a failure it only means that next time you should do your best. No matter how small the task might be always do your best because you don't know how it can benefiot you tomorrow.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
When you a teenager you have many wishes and hopes of what you want your life to turn out like. This is a stage when you really confussed don't know wether to go left or right. You become exposed to many things and it's difficult to choose the perfect direction. When you enter into reltionships you have hopes about you will be together forever. Is better to stop believing in promices because they only leaD TO ONE DIRECTION WHICH IS DISSAPOINTMENT.Stop hoping but rather leave in reality.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
When the heart chooses who it loves it doesn't care about the physical characters one possesses or what people will say. But when the eyes make decision on what you should love it never stop to demand, it is very difficult to complete it's desires. It is better to let the heart decide than eyes choose because eyes are always busy searching for the un-known.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Every wonderful thing you see on this world today was man made so why let someone tell you it can't be done? If it was done before you can also do it. All the people who make you feel small and worthless cut them out of your life because they don't deserve to be with you. For everything to be possible patience is the key. Never let anybody discourage you I believe that you can do it so what is left is for you to believe in youself # just do it because you can#
Friday, 11 April 2014
He will never leave you nor forsake you His name is Jehova
When you go through trouble and storms in your life. In time like these you become alone friends and family turn their backs on you. some of us become so confused that they end up using drugs and alcohol to try and forget reality. yes! once you are high and intoxicated you forget your troubles but what happens when you are sobber minded? you come back to reality and you find your problems there again what you need to do in times like this is turn to your God. He is always listening and watching just call His mighty name now and he will help you rise again.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
It's a brand new day
Everytime I wake up in the morning and see the sun I become so greatful because I know that I am not lucky but I am blessed. It is useless for crying for spilt milk, ones a thing is done you just have to make peace with it and just let it go. We often worry too much about becoming better people and always try to resist temptations by all means but then because we are human beings after all we fall into temptations. Its a brand new day a time to not repeat the same mistakes you did, the time to make wise decisions about your life.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Looks can be Deceiving...
Many people usually display a wonderful and perfect character on the outside because they want the world to think that they are so perfect and clean without any stains. Which is not a good thing to do because you will end up living a fake life trying to impress others. We are all not perfect so why are you ashamed of yourself? .Stop disguising let us know the true you,because you are perfect in your own special way.Always remember that whatever you see on the outside is not always what is within so be careful of how you analyse people's outwards identity
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Don't FAll For these INNOCENT EYES bEcause LOOks can be deceiving |
Friday, 4 April 2014
Your present situation doesn't determine your future destination
Many people come from disadvantaged backgrounds but this doesn't mean that their future will end up with poverty. Education is the weapon to overcome all situations. The situation you are going through it is not there to overcome you but use it as a stepping stone to your bright future. Take your disadvataged background as a temporary situation that is preparing you for a greater thing tomorrow. Be an achitecture of your own future.....the power is in your hands so why not use it?
Thursday, 3 April 2014
The is no Home without a mother !....
I describe my mother as a sister, friend ,father ,pillar of strength and a compass. With a mother on your side you will never get lost, she is always there to give direction. The word "woman" means a man who has womb. Woman are very strong people they have the power to can make a house a home even if the father is absent ,they always bring the best from us. No matter how much trouble you can get in but a mother is always the first one to make you feel better. When everyone view you as nothing they always see something in you. Respect and cherish them because they are wondreful. #loving my mother very much she is my role model#
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014
"Be still I am your God"
Whenever we face challenges and difficulities in life we should never think it is over. It is not yet over until the Almighty God says so. People might laugh at you thinking it is over with you,friends and family will go....but the is only one true God whom I serve will come and say "be still I am your God". He will always be with you until the end and in his time he will take you up in a level you didn't expect to reach and everybody will be suprised. Just believe in him and your life will never be the same.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Let them talk!
It is high time you start believing in yourself and let people talk what they want to. Stop stressing yourself about how you should impress people. what you do and think is right continue with it because wether you do good or bad they will always talk. When people talk about you it means you are one step ahead of you and they will try all sorts of things to destroy you. My mother always say a person is like a book of the world so every time people see you they will read you and make up their own interpretation so let them talk.....
Does true love exist in this planet or is it just fiction in movies?
If it exists in movies it definately does in reality you are just too blind to see. What makes us think that it is only in movies is that we don't appreciate our partners as they are we tend to make Mr and Mrs right in our own mind and when we face the reality that they are not what we created in the mind.That is where we start making accusations. The key is to accept and appreciate each other the way you are without any expectations but making peace with reality.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Time is precious make sure you use it wisely.
Many people tend to live life to the fullest and forget about important things in life. Yes! you should enjoy life but make sure you have perfect time management. There is nothing painful than waking up and regreting about the things you should have done that are important but unfortunately because you can not reverse time you just have to deal with the outcomes. "Time wasted is never regained" make sure you use your time wisely.
Friday, 28 March 2014
It doesn't matter how many times you fall what matters is how many times you rise
Many people set up goals that they will like to achieve one day in life but because life is unpredictable they sometimes become unsuccsessful in fulfilling their goals. Those who are thin skinned due to this fall down they will want to loose hope. Doing this only means that you are a coward .But those who are thick skinned keep on fighting to get up whenever they fall down. Falling down should be used as checking and rectifying your mistakes so that you can not repeat that mistake again. Rise and strive till you reach all your goals
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Eyes windows to the soul
They are the most significant organs in your body. They can reflect all the hidden agenda inside your soul. Since people have the power to musk their true feelings to the world and try faking false emotions the windows which are the eyes can tell all. Beware of your sight because it reveals what is in the soul.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
I am an African
I am proud about my nationality. Being a South African inhabitant is such a wonderful blessing because our country is so blessed that we are not even affected by most of the natural disaster due to Madagascar acting as our shield.It is time that we embrace our African culture" why should you be afraid of who you are?".Black women stop hiding your beautiful faces behind make up you are more beautiful with your natural identity and black men stop immitating western ways you will never change you will always be an African so it is time you start appreciating yourselves.
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You are unique in your own way
This technological and Science dominated world has made people to end up being ashamed of the people they are. Nowadays people no longer appreciate their uniqueness . Everywhere you go people are always faking their indentity.The is no human being who is more beutiful than you or have brains better than yours accept your uniqueness and be proud to be you.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Ladies it is High time we regain our power and become Independent
Yes!women might not have the physical strength as men but we are powerful beyond measure. It is time to stop being goal keepers. During a match men become players they work and we become goal keepers. A goal keeper accepts every goal that comes they don't have any choice. Today is our time to shine and become strikers in the game .We can do it we have the power to change the world.
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Many people let their past to be carried with them into their present life. Past is just a bargain that will make you to not enjoy and observe the wonderful things your present holds for you.It is useless to cry for the things you should have done in the past just forget and move on stop asking those questions like why me.One of the wise man I know Mr Motinyane loved to say forget the past and step foward with your life make sure in the future you dont repeat those mistakes
Monday, 17 March 2014
The road to success
This is a kind of road that is long and has many trills and tribulations. When you travell in this road you must be armed like a true warrior. All the kinds of troubles will arise to want to defeat you but here is the secret "you should never give up" ask all the successful people around you and they will tell you that it was not easy. Charles Darwin principles of the" survival of the fittest "apply here. When you fall down it does not mean you are a failure but you should use that downfall to give you strength to rise again and rectify your mistakes and continue with the journey.As Mr Nojaja used to say" the ladder of success is not easy to be climbed."
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