Thursday, 15 October 2015


Many of us before enrolling to higher institution we had a picture that it was a "Dream place"
1. Where you meet many friends
2. Had the opportunity and Freedom to do everything your heart desired
3. Having loads of money
4. Wake up late because classes later compared to high school and take a hot shower
5.I thought that I will always have my free time.
6. Have my space (room)
7. Or better like in movies eat, get late into a class room and answer my phone during a lecture

hahhhahah the worst part was that I thought that I would get in class eat during lectures or answer my phone during lectures just like in movies......

However coming to University it was so unfortunate that non of my expectations were real.

This was the truth about University

1. Yes! you do meet many friends but everyone is there with a different objective from yours so you must be careful who you associate yourself with because there is no mommy if you don't know what you are here for every direction will take you to your success.
Reality is no one says No to your idea, you say you skipping class your friend says Yes that Lecture is boring
Yes let us go out
It is really important that you choose your friends carefully because of the friends here they never say No.

2. Yes you do have a little freedom to do what you want but at the residence I am leaving at, you only are allowed to sign a visitor until 23:00 weekday and 00:00 during the weekend
Sleepovers are not allowed
We have securities, house comms and RSA it is like 3 governing bodies that is watching over us
No alcohol is allowed and you must not be too loud

3.There is no such at least not in my family, I only get my monthly allowance ones unless there is some school work urgent then my mom entertains that financial problem either than that No I have to survive with my monthly allowance for 30 days every month

Bare in mind that I must buy groceries, toiletries, printing bytes and just 10% for entertainment

4.If you are lucky enough that your class starts early you must wake up early for a shower if you want a hot shower or else you wake late then warm water is finished.
You have to share a shower with like 4 people in my residence in other residence is like the whole block which is about 12 students have to share a shower

5. There is hardly free time here, you always have some school work to do but again is all about your choices if you decide to ignore it, no one will push you but I promise you that you will fail
Sometimes due to the pressure you end up calling your mom crying and wanting to go back home
Time management is important that is the only key to your time

6. You must forget about living in a single room in my residence because it is expensive and only seniors live in it, as long as you are an undergraduate then you must share with someone

7. Hell No honey this is a higher learning institution which means that there are ethics governing this place and their are grooming you so that doesn't happen, you come in late they kick you out of the class and eating and answering your phone is not tolerated unless you eat snacks

Please my high school friends stop having that false fantasy about University this is the Reality of your fairy-tale about Universities.

Above all this what I like about these place is that it grooms you to be independent and it also teaches you to make better choices about who you associate yourself with

If you don't know why you are here, believe you me all roads will take you.

If you are confused about why you are here you will spend 7 years doing your diploma, while your mates spend 7 years for their phd's

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


In high school one of the motivational speaker said that he doesn’t believe in the Science theory that says that “Unlike charges attract each other and Like charges repel”, at that time I was in the Science class so this was very confusing to me because all of my life that is what I was taught. It only took me 4 years to understand what he really meant. Life is not like the law of attraction in Physics in life Positive attracts positive and so does negative, it is “IMPOSSIBLE” for a negative person to attract positive things into their lives. For example if you start losing hope in your studies and  you fail your subjects coming from a disadvantaged background, Not even one company will want to fund your tuition fees. However if you work hard and produce great results more than one companies will want to fund you.

The fact that each and every human being has their unique finger print it means that our God is great and has made everyone unique. It means that we all have our different destinies in Life. Use your present circumstance as a motivation to make you a better person of tomorrow. Always picture your better future in that bad circumstance and wake up the following day and act upon your vision.
The Recipe to success
1.     Put God first
2.        Visualise
3.        Make the vision a Reality
4.         Find your uniqueness (singer, writer, performer, entrepreneur, academic etc.)
5.        Be Positive
6.        Surround yourself with people in the same mission as you are
7.         Subtract all the negatives
8.         Believe in yourself

9.        Strive in every circumstance, the ladder of success is not easy to climb

Sugar Daddy

I can't even open my lips
Words become frozen to be altered
Tears run through my chicks
Running like a heavy flood of Libia
You are a fox in a sheep's skin
Holding silver & gold to attract rosy lips and chicks
Eyes burning of hunger like a beast
Ready to attack & destroy innocent preys
Your tummy is a grave yard
Bloated with dead bodies
Bodies of innocent souls, dignity, future & dreams
Why are you even called sugar daddy?
You are not sweet as sugar
You are bitter as lemon
Oooh....you are such an inconsiderate creature
You were supposed to protect me
Why...Ohhh Why do you caress me like a wife
You are such a destroyer,killer & disgrace
By: Jane Folodi

Should we blame the girls and the choices they make or Sugar Daddies who tempt girls with Luxury?

Monday, 12 October 2015

I am not "BOSSY" I am the "BOSS"

Life is like a jungle where you find different species that serve a different purposes, like Charles Darwin said "It is the survival of the fittest", if you are weak you get eliminated but if you are strong you pass your strong characteristics to the next generation.
However it all depends on which group of animals you belong to in order to survive, when you are a prey you always have to be running around afraid of us the Kings of the Jungle lions. Lions don't seat down the whole day and relax with the hope that its prey will come however a Lion goes out there and Hunts it's prey, unlike vultures Lions don't sit down and wait for another animal to hunt for them and they eat remains
When a Lion hunts it doesn't randomly go for any animal in the jungle but it has a goal and target animal, it never stops until it catches its target. A Lion does not follow or take orders from anyone instead it takes charge and lead the crowd.
I am exactly like a Lion/Lioness because:
1. I don't seat down and wait for opportunities to come my way like a Christmas gift from Santa Claus but I create my own opportunities.
2. I never follow anyone but I lead my own path
3. I have my target and goals that I set and never rest until I reach them.
4. I am very courageous I never get shaken easily
5. My "Roar' can be heard by everyone because I am not afraid to voice out my opinions
6. Like a Lioness I do the hunting
Be the Boss that I see in you never allow anyone tell you that you are less important or make you feel inferior in any way. Today go to your mirror AND shout these words "I AM BOSS" make the world hear your ROAR and start acting like a BOSS you are
NB: Please paraphrase your comment every time you think of saying I am Bossy just say she is the Boss because that is what I am.
I am not pretending to be better, for the fact that you can see that I am pretending to be better it means that I am in fact better and you are not in the same level as I am.
My name is Jane Folodi which means I am a winner and I always fight for my success
Being me makes me Unique
I am willing to swim deeper and apply myself in every situation
Life is like a jungle where you find different species that serve a different purposes, like Charles Darwin said "It is the survival of the fittest", if you are weak you get eliminated but if you are strong you pass your strong characteristics to the next generation.
However it all depends on which group of animals you belong to in order to survive, when you are a prey you always have to be running around afraid of us the Kings of the Jungle lions. Lions don't seat down the whole day and relax with the hope that its prey will come however a Lion goes out there and Hunts it's prey, unlike vultures Lions don't sit down and wait for another animal to hunt for them and they eat remains
When a Lion hunts it doesn't randomly go for any animal in the jungle but it has a goal and target animal, it never stops until it catches its target. A Lion does not follow or take orders from anyone instead it takes charge and lead the crowd.
I am exactly like a Lion/Lioness because:
1. I don't seat down and wait for opportunities to come my way like a Christmas gift from Santa Claus but I create my own opportunities.
2. I never follow anyone but I lead my own path
3. I have my target and goals that I set and never rest until I reach them.
4. I am very courageous I never get shaken easily
5. My "Roar' can be heard by everyone because I am not afraid to voice out my opinions
6. Like a Lioness I do the hunting
Be the Boss that I see in you never allow anyone tell you that you are less important or make you feel inferior in any way. Today go to your mirror AND shout these words "I AM BOSS" make the world hear your ROAR and start acting like a BOSS you are
NB: Please paraphrase your comment every time you think of saying I am Bossy just say she is the Boss because that is what I am.
I am not pretending to be better, for the fact that you can see that I am pretending to be better it means that I am in fact better and you are not in the same level as I am.
My name is Jane Folodi which means I am a winner and I always fight for my success
Being me makes me Unique
I am willing to swim deeper and apply myself in every situation

Saturday, 10 October 2015


L-O-V-E is such a simple four letter word that is not a noun to be defined but it is a verb to be acted upon. When you start having that one special person that makes your heart beat involuntary you start residing in your own planet of IMAGINATION where flowers smell more divine, where your lovers voice becomes joyful tunes that plays in softly through your ears as if it is melody played by angels high up in Heaven. What do you do when that special person doesn't even notice how you feel about them?

Do you?

1. Start posting your best pictures on Facebook? but still he/she doesn't even bother to like them
2. Start a conversation with them about the things he/she is interested in on social media platforms? only to find out that they are tired and they want to log out.


It becomes very heart breaking
But it happens

Effective communications is done verbally where the crush can observe the non verbal codes that accompanies what you say

When this happens you feel very disappointing and rejected. Stop sobbing and start acting upon your feelings by using "INDIRECT STRATEGY" with this method you start getting closer to your CRUSH cycle of friends. This means that you will start understanding them better (likes & dislikes) through their friends. Every time you visit their friend, you get an opportunity of spending some quality time indirectly with them. It can also be a platform for you to reveal your uniqueness and what sets you apart from the rest. This might be confusing at first for the friends when they are trying to figure out whom you Love between them, make sure you resolve this confusing by drawing a thin line of friend-zone to the one you are using as bridge to get to your Crush and always leave a clear picture of how many things you have in common with your crush and  the good traits you posses that he/she wouldn't want to loose.

"Remember Love is a Verb that needs to be acted upon"
The closer the proximity, the more chances you have to win their heart

Because the Mother City said Yes!


People who are grateful are more satisfied with those little blessings that the Lord has blessed them with, they become more happier less stressful and depressed and they start Accepting. Ones you start longing for something that you don't have, that is when you start having the "IF ONLY THOUGHTS". You think that "if only you were driving a Ferrari, If only you were living in a luxurious house in town or if only you had a body like Beyonce your life could have been better.
So many of us live in a state of always wishing for more, have you ever thought about how much the Ferrari costed the driver and every time the car broker calls him/her they have to pretend their someone else in the phone because they can't pay the debt? or when that expensive car feels lonely and cold because there is only a driver in the car and one passenger?
Have you ever thought of the diet and exercise that Beyonce has to go through every day to maintain her figure?
Wipe out those tears and look around then you will realise that there is someone out there who has been praying for what you have and are not satisfied with. While you are busy complaining about the shack you are living in 10000 people are out sleeping in the streets and are longing for a roof on their shoulders and whilst you busy complaining about that expensive Rose Mora shoe someone is crying to the Lord because they don't have feet.
Jane Folodi

Friday, 9 October 2015


Ooh, look at you African Queen,
With your dark skin, big lips
and Afro hair
You failed the pen test,
Your hair is all bushy and messed up
Not enough Relaxer to make it straight
No enough foundation can make you light skinned
No lipstick can cover the voluptuous lips inherited from grandmother
Hair kinky & Curly as a lamb's coat
Brazilian, Indian and Peruvian hair....
Only take your African crown and Heroines in you
Why do we always have to hide from our blackness?
Media says lighter is beautiful & slim is sexy
But Africa says the opposite
That dark chocolate complexion is Godly sent
Stop hiding it & start embracing it
Look at page 2 of COSMO today
It is now trending and Acceptable to be the African Queen
Big lips are now extra ordinary
Blondes and blue eyes now Que in surgeries for your lips
How ironic!
Embrace the Heroines in you
Dark complexion is beautiful
You are the African Queen
Those paints all over your face make you look like a clown
You are beautiful Naturally...Stop trying hard
Jane Folodi

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Important Note:
Dear daughter
Remember that Situations in our lives are like seasons, they don't last for long they are only there to last for a short period of time and sharpens us to become better individuals of tomorrow. each and every season has its significant purpose.
1. Winter- The earth becomes brown and it becomes cold, during this season wise animals like ants gather their food before winter comes so that in winter they don't have to go search for food "Make hay while the sun shines"
2. Autumn- The leaves from the trees fall off and it becomes windy, this is the time when God removes all those dry leaves in your life (people, things like substances or addictions) that don't add value in your life.
3. Spring - This is the time when every plantation starts to blossom up and nature becomes beautiful by different colours of flowers coming up. During this time of your life that is when you start seeing the results of your hard labour blossoming up.
4. Summer- This is the time when it becomes hot and every fruit in each tree starts to be ripe and all the farmers start eating the fruits of their hard labour. Those who worked hard and spent more time to water their trees will have the biggest fruits to eat in the garden.

What ever season that you are going through your life always know that god has a purpose for it and it is the for a reason.
This is a letter from your beloved mother.....
Jane Folodi

Monday, 5 October 2015


The truth is that when social media is used strategically over time it has the power to build a persons brand/reputation or it can destroy it. social media is like clay it depends on the crafter's hands how they create it and create a perception about their craft work to other people. Make sure that you use social media to build your reputation not to destroy it.

Nowadays it only takes social media to know everything about a person, because people now use social media platforms as their daily diaries. a person will for instance check in a restaurant and post a picture of the food their eating, or post a picture of their new accessories. Which brings an interesting question that if you were really enjoying at an event will you have time to take a picture of that moment and post it? or perhaps you are just trying to convince people that you were enjoying.

Be careful of what you post on social media because it doesn't only create a certain perception about your "Self Brand" or destroy your reputation but it goes as far as destroying your chances of getting to your dream job.

Twink twice before you post anything, it is not about the likes that people give your post is all about the impact it has on your self brand later on
‪#‎PowerOfSocialMedia‬ ‪#‎KnowyourDiary‬ ‪#‎SelfBrand‬