Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Important Note:
Dear daughter
Remember that Situations in our lives are like seasons, they don't last for long they are only there to last for a short period of time and sharpens us to become better individuals of tomorrow. each and every season has its significant purpose.
1. Winter- The earth becomes brown and it becomes cold, during this season wise animals like ants gather their food before winter comes so that in winter they don't have to go search for food "Make hay while the sun shines"
2. Autumn- The leaves from the trees fall off and it becomes windy, this is the time when God removes all those dry leaves in your life (people, things like substances or addictions) that don't add value in your life.
3. Spring - This is the time when every plantation starts to blossom up and nature becomes beautiful by different colours of flowers coming up. During this time of your life that is when you start seeing the results of your hard labour blossoming up.
4. Summer- This is the time when it becomes hot and every fruit in each tree starts to be ripe and all the farmers start eating the fruits of their hard labour. Those who worked hard and spent more time to water their trees will have the biggest fruits to eat in the garden.

What ever season that you are going through your life always know that god has a purpose for it and it is the for a reason.
This is a letter from your beloved mother.....
Jane Folodi

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